2018 430 RR-S PRE

Disclaimer: *Beta USA is not affiliated with any of the pre-owned model listings on this page, and offers this section only as a means for riders wishing to purchase a used Beta. All bikes listed are sold through private owners, or Beta dealers, *not by Beta USA. Shipping arrangements must be made through the seller and purchaser. Ads will be removed after 90 days or once the bike is sold.



2018 430 RR-S

Good condition - 113 hours/1800 miles
Supermoto wheels are made by Behr, kush drive, off a ktm

Bought it with 93 hours/930 miles, it had an average speed of 10mph, the first owner was a trail guy who took very good care of it. Second owner didn't ride it for more than an hour. I'm the third. Last valve check was at 80 something hours (I'm told) and was fine.  The last ~20 hours has been casually (most of the time) riding around my town at around 50mph. Very economical and quick way to get around town

$8100 w/ both set of wheels
$7500 w/one set of wheels
Open to offers but not in a rush to sell

Location :Raleigh, NC

Email: collinsgrant4@gmail.com
